About Me

Hi, I’m Lindy Minnick.

Wife to my hard working adventurous husband of 12 years and Mom to four super outgoing social kiddos, including twins!  

We are the outdoor family who loves to camp most weekends, hike in the mountains, ride bikes, go to the beach and sail or simply enjoy canoeing in the waterways.  

I have home schooled all of our children since Kindergarten.  So, we have a very busy household that is constantly filled with music, laughter and lots of loud noise, with a little yelling sprinkled in for good measure.

God has blessed me with great experiences through my past careers as a police officer, intelligence specialist, and cold case investigator. Not to mention being the wife of an Alaska State Trooper Pilot and living deep in rural bush Alaska for a season of our married life. He has now given me the opportunity to teach our children at home through a biblical world view. 

Writing has always been a joy for me.  Mostly, I’ve wanted to write about fictional stories or my own personal crazy adventures. However, I have a hidden passion to support others through the written word in their businesses, non-profits and entrepreneurial start ups.  So, if that’s you, then let’s get to work!

Sailing with my husband on Lake Ontario

Our Tribe

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